Weights of NSSO Data

Since the NSSO data are samples, the multipliers are used to generates survey weights so you can get population level estimates based on the sampled survey responses.

For generating subsample-wise estimates based on data of all  subrounds taken together, either Subsample-1 households or  Subsample-2 households are to be considered at one time.  Subsample code is available in the data file.

Apply final weight (or all-subround multipliers) as follows :
final weight = MLT/100, if NSS=NSC
= MLT/200 otherwise.

Copy of readme file which is available with data with a note for the user

Note for users :
(1) These are text data with fixed record-length of 143 characters (including new-line character).
First 126 bytes are data, next 6 bytes comprise of number of
first stage units surveyed within a substratum for the sub-sample (NSS)
and sub-sample combined (NSC) and next 10 bytes are weight or multiplier
for the sub-sample (MLT). Last byte is for Newline character.
(2) The Layout of data is given in the MS Excel-file lay68_sch010_typ1.xls.
(3) For generating any estimate, one has to extract relevant portion
of the data, and aggregate after applying the weights.
(4) Weights (or multipliers) are given at the end of each record
from 133rd byte onwards. The weights (multipliers) are
Sub-sample-wise, details of which are as given below :
(For description of subsample, please see Instructions,
NSS 68th Round, Manual for field staff, Vol-I)
NSS,NSC and subsample-wise weights (all-subround multipliers)
NSS = Bytes 127-129 (3 bytes)
NSC = Bytes 130-132 (3 bytes)
MLT = Bytes 133-142 (10 bytes, assumed two places of decimal)
All records of an household will have same weight figure.
In case of those Blocks/Levels, where Item/Person Sl.No. is not
applicable, the field is filled up with "00000".
(5) In the value fields (in Rs. or quantity or area etc.) only the numeric figure
is given in datafile. The decimal point is to be assumed after looking at the
type of that field in the printed schedule.
Use of subsample-wise weights (all-subround multipliers)
For generating subsample-wise estimates based on data of all
subrounds taken together, either Subsample-1 households or
Subsample-2 households are to be considered at one time.
Subsample code is available in the data file.
(Please see layout of data).
Apply final weight (or all-subround multipliers) as follows :
final weight = MLT/100, if NSS=NSC
= MLT/200 otherwise.

For more details on NSSO Data support, please contact on below address:

Ajay Srivastava
NSSO Data Expert
Email ID: analyzingnssodata@gmail.com

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